Sunday, December 9, 2012

This blog

I'm making it a cross of reality and disillusion. I have finals tomorrow that I didn't really study for. I don't have the attention span to study anymore. I've been playing neopets and was highly disappointed when The Walking Dead failed to come on. Apparently the season ended. At least I still have Supernatural but even that will end soon. I had a strange dream last night. It had trains in it and I can't really explain it. It's not that I don't remember it it's just hard to explain because my dreams are not like reality. No logic at all. Time moves differently. Anyways the most focused part was this train/suitcase that turned into a radio. The radio needed batteries so I plugged it up. The radio had a man trapped inside because it'd respond to my voice and often insulted me which I found humorous. Talking radios in all. I mean radios usually do talk but they never show recognition of the people around them. I had to wonder how this man could see out of the radio. How his vision worked. I had a feeling his name was Nick and he was a witty bastard.

Saturday, October 27, 2012


It was starting to get late and the last of the

trick or treaters had trickled down to nothing.

I kept wiping my eyes trying to focus. Papers

were cast everywhere across my dinning room

table. I had to understand this before Monday.

This idiotic math. To the average person all the

papers looked like random nonsense. Such is the

nature of math. Never to be used again after I

finished the class. Where did this number come

from? I stared intently at the answer hoping it

make sense eventually. Why is math so illogical?

Was there no method to this madness? I had

another day to take this all in. I'm doomed. The

doorbell chimed its familiar hum. I sighed in

relief laying down my pen. I could use a break.

I got up swiftly opening the door to see a tall

man in his thirties with no shirt wearing giant

red wings.
"Aren't you a little old to be trick or

He chuckled, "Ah well I'm not here for

your candy. It seems my car was stolen while I

was at this Halloween party down the street. I

was wondering if I could borrow your phone?"
"Down the street?" I stuck my head out

the door looking, "Well...why didn't you just

use their phone."
"The music there is too loud for me to

call anyone," he replied.
Hmm, I didn't live with anyone so if it

turned out this guy was a weirdo...I'd be on my

own. It was late and chilly outside. Saying no

would be rude. "Sure," I finally said opening

the door wider for him to step in. I closed the

door behind him and walked back over to my math

problems. "The phone is beside the TV. Help

yourself," I said picking up my pen to chew on

the end and try and figure out where the hell

that number came from.
I heard him pick up the phone and heard

the beeps of numbers being pressed. The phone

rung a few times and then someone answered. He

started talking in some language I didn't

understand. It sounded like gibberish to me. I

finally just closed my math book accepting I was

never going to understand least not

tonight. I got up and walked into the living

room where he stood talking to his friend on the

phone. I sat down on the couch. House of Wax was

playing on TV. I always liked older horror

movies. Todays horror movies lacked something

older ones had but I didn't quite know what it

was. The man hung up the phone still standing in

the same spot. "So, where are you from?" I



That made me snicker a little. Clever reply

because he was dressed as a demon. "Ah, any

particular part or just Hell?"

"The 9th layer. You don't mind if I sit

down? It's going to be awhile before my friend

can pick me up."

He was asking because my couch was

small. Only big enough to fit two. I never

actually get company. "Umm, sure." I said

awkwardly. The guy looked like a supermodel from

hell. He obviously cared about his complexion

because from his abs it looked like he worked

out all the time. His hair was kind of an odd

color but I just assumed it was from spray

paint. It was red with slight yellow highlights.

He had contacts in that made his whole eyes look

black. His wings...looked so real. "Your wings

look so real. They even have veins. It's the

most sinister thing I've seen all night."
He grinned devishly, "Thanks. My name is

Dezmon. I'm sorry to intrude like this."

I gave a weak smile. I was tired. "Nah,

it's okay. I probably would have driven myself

mad with that Algebra if you didn't show up. I'm

"Nice place ya got here Ekkert. A nice

girl like you must have a boyfriend lurking

around somewhere, eh?" he dug.
I might have blushed if I wasn't so damn

paranoid. He was digging for information so he

could find out if he could flirt. Innocent

notion I reassured myself. I'm

way too young for

him even though I admit he was very nice

looking. "Yeah, his asleep right now. Doesn't

like Halloween all that much," I lied. I wasn't

interested in him. Well I wasn't interested in

what he would bring with him.
He raised an eyebrow slightly, "Who

doesn't like Halloween. Talk about a humbug."
"Not exactly the right use for the word

but eh. Doesn't matter. Would you like a drink?"

I said standing up. I was going to get me

something whether he said yes or no.
"If it wouldn't be trouble to you." he

"What do you want to drink?"
"Whatever your drinking," he replied.
"Ah, well I hope you like Jack Daniels,"

I replied walking to the kitchen grabbing my

scotch glasses from the cabinet. It had been a

what seemed to me a long stressful night.I put

two ice cubes in each glass and poured the

heavenly liquid into them at just the right

height. It was art if I had ever seen it. I

scooped up the glass retreating back to the

living room. Dezmon still sat in the same place.

He looked up at me and smiled faintly. "Do you

drink much?" he asked me.
"Only when demons stop by," I replied

handing him the glass.
"Cheers?" he questioned holding his

glass up.
"Cheers," I replied clinking glass even

though I had no idea why we were cheering. I

downed the glass in what seem like one gulp and

sat it down on the glass table beside me.